Tuesday, August 2, 2011

H.T.R 4 J.O 4eva

Whilst I was in Brisbane a while back, I bought myself a copy of Jamie Oliver's 30-Minute Meals. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this book already! The way this book is set up is completely different to every other cook book you've ever owned. Rather than giving you one dish, and the ingredients and method for that one dish and leaving it up to you to put it all together, Jamie has created a book that mirror's his TV show - each 'recipe' is a complete meal plan, and he guides you through each part of each dish step by step, so that everything comes together ready at the same time at the end. I love it!

I decided a few weeks ago that every Sunday night would be 30 minute meal night, but because I was a bit too tired on Sunday, and was making my first ever plasma donation last night, tonight became this week's 30 minute meal night. We decided on pork chops and crispy crackling, crushed potatoes, minty cabbage, and peaches 'n' custard.

Out of the three meals I've made so far (#1 = roast beef, baby yorkies, little carrots, crispy potatoes, and super quick gravy. #2 = piri piri chicken, dressed potatoes, rocket salad, and quick portuguese tarts), this was by far the closest to being made within the 30 minute time frame. I'm not sure if that's because it was easier, or I'm just getting used to the game!

I did want to take photos of each 30-minute meal I've made and post them up here, but I have to admit, my food photography skills leave a lot to be desired (please refer to prime examples of brilliantly terrible photography skills provided above). I'll try harder next time though, promise!

Special mention has to go to our dessert wine of the evening - a delightfully 'datey' muscat by Jones Winery. Delectable.

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