Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fly Far Far Away

I've booked my flights!!!

AND - thanks to His Travel Romance and his frequent flyer points, I get to fly business class from New York to London!!! Such an excited and lucky little duck am I!

In a pre-celebration of this exciting event that we didn't even know was happening until this morning (segue much?), we lazed about for a good deal of time yesterday on the beautiful grounds of Millbrook Winery, quaffing delicious wine and devouring a mouth-watering picnic. Home made relishes and pate, chilli tomato jam, crusty bread, marinated olives, salami and prosciutto, home grown radishes and tomatoes, goats and blue cheese with crackers, and a flan with cream for dessert. We ate so much we couldn't fit in dinner, and I'm pretty sure that nothing I consumed yesterday was on my diet, but oh my, it was oh so very lovely...

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