Tomorrow is my oldest brother's birthday. Tomorrow being the 16th of September. We could say that Micheal, being my oldest brother and my parent's first born, is therefore my number one brother. 16 minus one is 15 which is the date today. So it is for this extremely befitting reason that I pen his birthday blog on this day, and has nothing at all to do with the fact that I fly out of England this afternoon and am not sure if I'll get the chance to do it again before his birthday is over...
Micheal, not wanting to get girl germs (or so I presume), pretty much left home as soon as I was born. He joined the Royal Australian Air Force and lived far, far away - out of easy visiting distance - and as such, I don't have a handy plethora of young childhood memories of my big bro laying around inside my head. I do, however, have memories of him helping me with my maths homework over the phone when no one else could, and of receiving presents of Beverly Hills 90210 merchandise he posted to me for Christmas one year when I had a huge adolescent crush on Luke Perry. The latter he teased me about mercilessly for months!
Micheal has always been my go to person for logical advice, and that hasn't changed as I've gotten older. The questions may have changed from queries about cosines and matrices to mortgages and tax returns, but Micheal has always been there to guide me through life's assignments, paperwork, and contracts, giving me the benefit of his experience and knowledge.
Three years ago, my big bro was also the inspiration and catalyst for my finally visiting the UK. He had planned a fabulous trip for his family to the UK and Europe for Christmas and, like all good little sisters, I decided to tag along! Traveling to the UK and Europe had always been high on my to-do list so, with the knowledge that I could not only travel, but have Christmas overseas with my brother and his family, I just couldn't resist the pull. I love that I was able to explore a bit of London and Edinburgh with my big brother, sis-in-law, and nephews, and to share my first winter Christmas with them all. The photos I have of us all from this time together are some of my most treasured, and I cannot wait to do it all again with them this year, this time in rural France! (And yes... I may have tagged myself onto this trip too... It's what little sisters do when awesome big brothers let them!)

So, on this very auspicious day before his birthday, I want to wish my brilliant big bro a very, very happy birthday. I hope that his morning rushes past in a flurry of birthday hugs, kisses, coffee, cake, and presents, and that his afternoon is filled with a dream round (or two) of golf played under a clear blue sky. Failing that, and erring towards the assumption that he'll be off to work like any other week day, I hope that it's at least as carefree as possible, that his secretary has at least organised a birthday morning tea for him, and that he takes time out at least once every hour to remember that his little sister loves him more than she ever loved Luke Perry, and that she'll be thinking of him and sending him love at least once every minute today (tomorrow... you know...), if not more.
Happy birthday bro! xx