The gorgeously vivacious Miss In Wonderland has, for the last few months, been developing herself a little empire of hats, hair pieces, accessories, and all things gorgeous, which you can check out at either her Made It store, or on Etsy. She is incredibly talented and I can't even begin to tell you how freaking proud I am of her for giving up her job of five years and following her dream to create and design.
Ashliegh puts in such a lot of care and love to her creations and you can certainly tell - I can't wait until I have one (two, three....) of my very own to start wearing around London town! After all, you never know want Santa may get me... Especially if Santa is going back to Perth before meeting me in New York... Ahem... ;-)
So, this photoshoot, shot by the ever-so-talented Dabs (yet another gorgeous Perth lady pursuing her dream!), looks oh-so-amazing! The models are gorgeous, the photos are absolutely stunning, the hats and accessories are to die for and, well, I'll just let them speak for themselves!