Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nine More Sleeps!

Although my little ticker is telling me that I will be leaving the country in exactly two months, two weeks, and two days, something else very exciting is happening in just nine sleeps time... My birthday!

I am very much a birthday girl, and I relish the opportunity to have a day that is all about me! Well, me and St George apparently, but I'm happy to share with a guy who will protect me from dragons and encourage me to wear red roses on my lapels... (Note: my birthday, I get to mix traditions and make them up as I go along. That's the rule.)

To celebrate my birthday this year I have taken my inspiration from Jessica Claire (which I realise I've mentioned before...), and I am super supremely excited to be lucky enough to be having my birthday in the garden of Wonderland. Mr & Miss Wonderland are absolute darlings and have just made my day by letting me invade their perfect little walled garden - more than they can know - and I know they read this so thank you so very, very much.

Paper hearts are being cut out, tissue pom poms are being planned (along with wet weather contingency plans) and my little heart was just fluttering away in delight waiting for the ever so lovely Yak to put together my birthday invitations. They arrived about a week ago and ever since I have been trying to set aside some time to photograph them so that I can show you. So, without further flurry or ado... My beautiful, beautiful birthday invitations!

My dearest Yak designed, printed, ribboned, and posted these little marvels to me and I am ever so grateful for her skill and warm heart. xx

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