It is well into the lunch hour and I find myself still lazing in bed, my hair tied up messily in plaits, my nightdress and the bed sheets enjoying thoroughly their prolonged employment, and little Miss Muffin Head taking full advantage of the situation by dozing quietly by my feet.
That's not to say today hasn't been productive.
On my beloved Etsy I found three beautiful pieces that I just had to have. Making it's way to me from Tasmania is a beautiful feather brooch made out of Tasmanian Myrtle by That Vintage. Love! I can't wait to sit on a rug under a shady tree on a hill top, feeling breezy and drinking champagne with my new feather brooch pinned to my summer frock.
With a much shorter journey to make, I am also looking forward to receiving a gorgeous snowy owl necklace, along with the much coveted Vice brooch, both made by local Perth artist Osier. I first spotted the Vice brooch on Frankie a wee while ago and have been debating whether to treat myself ever since. The owl I fell in love with today and it just seemed wrong not to buy it since the brooch was already coming to me anyway, and would have been so incredibly lonesome all on its own...
This lazy Sunday has also allowed me to enjoy the rare but joyous opportunity of meandering slowly through a world of creatively inspirational blogs. There really are some amazingly talented women out there, so to browse through their ideas and creations is both soothing and exciting!
One (of my two) resolutions for 2010 is to be more creative. I am creating HTR so that I can write, I have enrolled in a series of short courses run by the Fremantle Arts Centre so that I can learn how to draw, and I also have a photographic project in the wings which I'm calling '12noon Saturday'. There's nothing much to say about it now, but I'm sure I'll bring it up again later in the year.
For now though, I will go back to contemplating whether today would be best spent entirely in bed, or if I should perhaps move to the lounge.
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